Wednesday, March 17, 2010


After a VERY VERY strong espresso (even stronger than one I make at home!) I had a wicked run today! Hahaha

I proceeded to put on my trainer hat, followed by my nutritionist hat. Both went well today (well, at least I thought they where fun).

Worked out my bod, then ordered and packed food for the rest of the day and evening. In Mexico city, safety is a concern and we are not allowed to travel out of the hotel on our own. So, when I went to pick up some more soup a few doors down, I had a large, threatening bodyguard go with me. I felt very protected and important (as if I needed a bodyguard). Lol.

I find this city very interesting, there are security guards everywhere. Each corner you turn, there is a man in a suit watching something or someone. Police cars are all over the place and the way they drive helps me understand what its like for those trying to out run the paparazzi on a regular basis.

We got to the venue and did our regular unpacking and prepping for the evening. I took care of food and a pre show stretch/Yoga session. The show ran very well and I got to watch it from the monitors back stage. It was cool to see the audience view.

At catering for dinner there were clean steamed vegetables available (broccoli, carrots, cauliflower). I squeezed a bunch of lime juice on top and devoured it. However, when it came to the chicken, it was a different story, it was a bit saucy for my taste and could've done with a little bath.

Tomorrow we travel for almost the whole day! We leave in the morning and arrive in Venezuela at midnight. Will write more in a couple of days.

Maggie D

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