Wednesday, March 17, 2010


After a really good 6 hours sleep, I popped awake 2 hours before my alarm. Naturally, I did what any good fitness model would do, I went to the nearest coffee place and got myself a double espresso... then did cardio :)

It is actually sucking the wind out of me to train here. We are apparently at such a high elevation that we are getting close to a point of needing masks (please don’t quote me on this, I didn’t research it, just repeating what I've heard). Anyway, my legs burn like crazy doing the simplest thing and running endurance has taken a serious dive. At one point, someone said I was looking a bit white... guess I'm doing my own form of altitude training.

After my morning work with my client, I did my own back workout and then continued to complete my tasks. Today was a scheduled off-day with interviews and press at the hotel, then in the evening we went to the recording studio. An interesting point of the day was our little chase with the paparazzi. Initially we where driving to lose them, but we eventually split our cars up. Our car stopped at a grocery store (they followed) and when we (the non popstars) got out they decided that we weren't worth it and left us alone.

In the evening I did a little steam room session, then got cozy in my bed. I called the concierge to borrow a DVD and it came with a bowl of popcorn... it was called a "Cheap Date" on the menu. HEY... I'm not THAT cheap :)

The 4 gals met up a bit later and had a little night spa of our own. We did facials and a couple of girls got their hair blown out/curled.

Nice day today!

Maggie D

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