As the holidays are approaching, you may find you are traveling more often.
Maybe you are tight on time, feeling fatigue or are out of sorts because you're not on your regular routine. Whatever the cause, check out these solutions to help you get back to feeling normal, maybe even better than normal.
Not having healthy meals available.
Prepare, portion and pack all your meals before you go. Freeze the meals (that can be frozen) inside of a cooler bag and take it out just before you leave for the airport or a car trip. The frozen meals with act as an ice pack and keep your food safe until you reach your destination. Generally, the only food that needs to be purchased is fresh produce, such as salads or items that cannot come across the border like citrus fruits.
If you are staying in a hotel, ask for a bar fridge to be sent to your room as soon as you arrive.
To resist temptation of a goodie filled mini bar, respectfully decline taking the key or ask for the items to be removed.
Jet lag, dehydration, fatigue, bloating.
My number one rule when flying is to drink one liter of water for every hour of flying time. This helps tremendously to reduce dehydration and makes you feel fresh even with the recycled air in the cabin. Also, drinking plenty of water ensures you eat only when you are actually hungry, help your joints and ligaments stay functioning, and reduces your fatigue.
Body aches and pains.
Another flying tip I give all my clients is to get up once an hour to go to the bathroom and stretch. I do it even if I get funny looks! Following this rule will keep your body doing what it’s meant to do, to move and be dynamic. Stretching will keep your muscles from cramping up, reduce the build up of blood, fluid and toxins in your body, and keep you alert and fresh for when you get off the plane. This is great for physically and mentally preparing for meetings (or maybe even the in-laws) immediately after landing.
Complete at least one simple stretch for each muscle group. Quadriceps, hamstrings back, chest, shoulders, biceps and triceps. They can be basic stretches such as moving your neck side to side, a small back bend, pulling your knee towards you chest and holding, grabbing your elbow behind your head with your opposite hand etc. There are so many little moves you can do in your seat or standing up for a few minutes.
Feeling like there is no place to workout because you don’t have access to a gym.
Become a creative genius! If there are no cardio machines, go jump in a lake or ocean (if your are privy to a hot holiday) or use your feet and go for an outdoor jog or hike.
You can also complete a 30-40 minute plyometric workout anywhere, including your hotel room! (I would suggest the beach if you have access). You can do a circuit of abs, body weight squats and lunges, push ups, yoga, jump squats... the list is endless.
If you are lucky, find a set of stairs to run in your house, condo, hotel or local park. Do single and two foot hops, or side step up and down. For more ideas, check out my workouts at Top 10 Workouts.
Hope these tips help you out on your next trip! Let me know if they work for you as well as they work for me, I would love to hear from you.
Happy Travels!
Maggie D xoxo
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